Info zum Versand mit DHL:

Momentan kann es aufgrund von hoher Auslastung in den Paketzentren unseres Versand-Partners DHL, durch die Black-Weeks und die Vorweihnachtszeit, zu Versand-Verzögerungen von bis zu zwei Tagen kommen. 
Pakete mit der Versandart "DHL Express" sind nicht betroffen. 
Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis!

The new ZEISS Secacams

The ZEISS Secacam trail cameras offer outstanding recording quality and weatherproof technology for outdoor observation. The small devices enable reliable and fast photo transmission thanks to their multi-roaming SIM card. So you can keep a careful eye on nature at all times and concentrate on the essentials.

To the cameras

Service Plans 

A Service Plan offers useful functions for your camera and a monthly Photo Volume. For the full Secacam experience, we recommend that you subscribe to a service plan.

Learn more

Open Questions

We are happy to help! We have put together a comprehensive section of common questions, but if you still need assistance, you can contact our customer service team.

To the ZEISS Self-Service Portal